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"Unfortunately card payments cannot be accepted at this time"

This error message can be a flag for a wide variety of issues with your Donation Station. But would ultimately mean that there was an issue with the card reader or outbound network connection.

We would first recommend checking the card reader. Checking the connection between the two devices and the state of the card reader.

Step 1. Checking the card reader is powered on.

The easiest way to check your card reader is functioning is to follow this guide:

Donation Station: Using the Donation Station

You will need to exit the Kiosk by using the secret touch method:

Donation Station: Exit the Donation Station App

Step 2. Checking the network.

Sometimes you may be experiencing WIFI issues without realising. To check this you will first need to exit the kiosk.

Once on your windows desktop check you’re connected to the internet by clicking on the globe or WIFI symbol in the bottom right next to the clock. It should look something like the image below.

If you are not connected to a network please tap on your preferred network and click connect, It may ask you for a password, this is your own WIFI password you can usually find on the router.

Step 3. Checking the cables.

To check the cables are seated correctly in both the tablet and the card reader you will need to open up the enclosure:

Donation Station: Open the Enclosure

Then follow this guide:

Donation Station: Replace the Internal USB Cable

While you are here you can also check the power status of the card reader by seeing if the screen on the card reader is lit up.

Step 4. Time to contact GWD support

If you have followed all the above checks and are still getting the "Unfortunately card payments cannot be accepted at this time" please contact the GWD support team.

Need more help? Please get in touch.

0114 553 1399 

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