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Donation Station: Replace the Internal USB Cable

To replace the USB cable that connects your tablet to the card reader device you first need to open the Donation Station enclosure.

If you need a hand with this, please follow the guide here: Donation Station: Open the Enclosure

Step 1. Once the enclosure is open, remove the USB Cable from each end (tablet side and card reader side)

1a. Attach the new cable on each side.

The right-angled USB-C connects to the USB-C port on the top left of your tablet.

1b. The straight Micro-USB connects to the card reader device.

Step 2. Any loose cable should be threaded into the rear gap of the enclosure, to prevent kinks and crimps.

Now that the new cable is connected, before closing and locking your Donation Station you should check if the connection is being made.


Donation Station: Exit the Donation Station App

Donation Station: Check the Internal Connections

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