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Donation Station: Powered On but Showing a Blank Screen

We recommend that Donation Stations are left switched on 24/7 to ensure 100% availability for donations.

If you ever need to power down the unit for a period of time, we recommend that you exit the software using the secret touch method to then shut the tablet down as you would any computer. You can then power it back on with the on/off tool as required.

If you remove the power from the system without shutting it down, the Donation Station will run on an internal battery for a few hours. If the power has not returned before the battery depletes, the unit will power down.

If the above situation occurs, you may often find that when you switch the Donation Station back on, it will show a black screen, and it will seem as though it has not switched on at all. You can tell that the unit is switched on as it will register your touch with a white area when you touch the screen.

If this happens, you should use the secret touch method to exit the software, and then relaunch it using the Launch Genkiosk icon on the Windows desktop: Donation Station: Exit the Donation Station App

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0114 553 1399 

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