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Lite Range - How will Lite range transactions show in reporting

With the introduction of the new Lite range, we have made improvements to our reports that specifies which model Donation Station a transaction has been made on.

Previously, transactions were associated with the unique identifiers of Kiosk ID (6-digit number) and the Kiosk Name.

These fields are still included in our reporting but will also now be differentiated by the kiosk model. There is a new column in the report titled “Form Factor”, which will specify if the transaction was made through a Skinny/Midi/Express/Pocket etc).

This will allow you to easily filter and calculate the transactions made via different device models.

If you find that this field is blank (perhaps for any older devices you have had prior to ordering your new Express or Pocket), then please let our support team know so we can update this for you.

Need more help? Please get in touch.

0114 553 1399 

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