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Donation Station Handheld: Charging and Usage

The handheld version of the Donation Station by GWD is designed for usage at events and can therefore be switched off for extended periods of time when not required.

To ensure that you can get the most from the device during your event, please ensure that you follow the instructions below.

Step 1. With your Donation Station switched off, place the unit on charge using the supplied cable and plug at least 5 hours before your event.

Step 2. At the event, switch it on and connect it to the network. Contact if you encounter any issues.

Step 3. Use the handheld Donation Station as normal for the duration of the event. If fully charged, the unit should provide around 5 hours of use.

Step 4. At the end of the event, switch your device off. To do this, do the following two things:

Step 5. Switch off the card reader using the tool on your lanyard. Insert the tool into the small hole beneath the contactless logo where the card reader is housed and hold down for 3 seconds.

Step 6. Shut down the tablet. Exit the software to get back to the Windows desktop environment. From here, shut the device down like you would any Windows computer by pressing the Start button (Windows logo in the bottom left) and selecting Shut Down.

Important: You must charge the device whilst switched off, otherwise there is a risk of the plug not providing enough power to charge the tablet and card reader simultaneously.

Need more help? Please get in touch.

0114 553 1399 

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