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Express - How to use the lock with the Express enclosure

If requested at the point of order, GWD will provide a free security lock along with the Express. You can use this to secure the device in place if left unattended.

The method of securing will vary depending on what you are securing the device to. The example below details the method of securing the device to a piece of furniture such as a pipe or radiator.

Step 1. Route the cable behind the secure furniture.

Step 2. Thread the lock through the loop at the other end of the cable.


Step 3. Ensure the lock is in the “unlocked” position using the keys provided.


Locked cable


Unlocked cable

Step 4. Place the lock in the security hole on the right hand side of the enclosure.

Step 5. Turn the key anticlockwise to lock it in place.


Lock in position

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