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Download Reports

All Donation Station Portal users have the ability to download transaction reports relating to the kiosks in their organisation. Some accounts also have the ability to download Gift aid or Marketing reports.

  1. Select “Download Reports” from the navigation bar at the top of the page.

  2. Ensure either “Donation Report”, “Gift-Aid Report” or “Marketing Report” is selected from the drop-down box under “Select Report Type”.

  3. Select the date range for your report.

  4. OPTIONAL STEP. If your user account has access to a hierarchy of kiosks within your organisation, use the tick boxes in the folder structure to select which organisations you’d like to report on. If you do not see a folder structure to select from, move on to step 5.

  5. Click “Download Report”.

  6. When opening the report in Excel, ensure you click “Enable Editing” in the top navigation bar in order to see the totals.

By default, the portal will only allow access to the last 3 months of Gift Aid data.

If you can’t see all your Organisation's Donation Stations in your reports, your Organisation Admin may have limited your account to only view certain kiosks.


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