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Donation Station: The Power Button is not Working

In rare occasions using the poking tool in the discreet pinhole on the top of the enclosure may not power your station on.

Your Donation Station may have been put into “sleep mode”, by using the poking tool press into the discreet pinhole with a quick tapping motion. This will wake up the Donation Station if it has been accidently put into sleep mode and you should be able to use the device as normal.

There is a small chance the screen has become misaligned with the enclosure, causing the poking tool to not contact the internal power button.

To fix this you will need to open up the enclosure: Donation Station: Open the Enclosure, disconnect the power and data cable from the side of the tablet and then slide the black tablet insert out of its slot.

Once the tablet insert is removed you can then make sure that the tablet is sat flush inside the padded area and slide the insert back into place.

You can confirm this has been done correctly as the tablet screen will not show any of the darker bezzle around the edges when looking at the enclosure from the front.

It may be that the power button has become damaged if you turn your Donation Station on and off very regularly.

You can check for wear and tear on the tablet by following the above method and then inspecting the power button found on the top edge of the tablet.

If the button appears damaged please contact GWD support so we can advise further.

Need more help? Please get in touch.

0114 553 1399 

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