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Donation Station: Powering On

Install/position the unit in the required location.

Step 1. Plug in to mains power using the cable and plug provided.

Step 2. Turn the device on using the thin black key. There is a discreet hole on the underside or top left of the Donation Station Head. Carefully slide the tool in all the way at a perpendicular angle to the floor. You should feel the on/off button depress slightly when you have made successful contact.

Step 3. Hold down for 5-10 seconds until you see either American Megatrends or Linx logo appear on the screen.

Step 4. Log in to Windows 10 (if there is no “Sign in” button swipe up on the screen and it will appear).

Need more help? Please get in touch.

0114 553 1399 

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