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Donation Station Skinny: Build Instructions

Here is a step-by-step guide to build a Skinny Donation Station:

Step 1. Unbox your Skinny

Step 2. Thread the 3 bolts through the corresponding holes in the base and affix to the pillar using the provided tool.

Step 3. On the rear of the tablet enclosure, turn the key in the lock until you hear the lock release.

3a. Gently slide the tablet and bezel upwards and lift away from the side.

Step 4. Loosely attach the rear of the tablet enclosure to the top of the pillar using the 4 bolts provided.

4a. If attaching a branded top panel, slide it in to place between the pillar and enclosure.

4b. Tighten the bolts using the tool provided.

Step 5. Connect the card reader and power cables to the tablet. Push any excess cable down the stand.

Step 6. Place the tablet and bezel back in to place on the enclosure using the lugs as a guide. Push the bezel down to secure it in place.

Step 7. Lock the enclosure by pushing in the lock on the rear.

Step 8. If fitting a front panel, screw in the artwork standoffs using the provided tool.

8a. Align the holes in the panel with the standoffs on the pillar and place into position.

8b. Tighten the thumb screws to secure the artwork in place.

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0114 553 1399 

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